Yet Another Hello 2011 Post!

We USAians like a clean start, don’t we? Culturally, we like the chance to pretend that all our previous efforts were rubbish, but this time, this time for sure!

Welcome, 2011! This year, no rubbish. No, I mean it. Rilly.


The concise version of my resolutions.

1. Write at least 12 hours a week (research, draft, plan my own stuff) for a total of 624 this year (or more?)
2. Lose 15 pounds (or more?)
3. See my writing journey as more about being who I am, and less about being a goal-oriented freak.

All the usual stuff applies. You know, hang out with the people I love, continue to teach to make a difference in the world, relax when I need to. It’s a good life. I hope to continue it.


Now the sheep part of the post:

10 Things I’ve Done That You Probably Haven’t.

1. Taught a famous Sudanese rock star. (That would be El Mosley.)
2. Won my master costumer status wearing a recreation of Caterina Sforza.
3. Drank whiskey on an Air Moscow flight to Perm in the Urals with a flirty geologist.
4. Dressed in historical Heian costume and make up at Toei Movie Land in Kyoto.
5. Lived 2 blocks from the world’s largest bull (Albert, in Audubon, Iowa)
6. Chaperoned a prom with Bryon while carrying squirt guns and pretending to be spies.
7. Been an official Bond girl at my friend wedding Steve’s wedding. (Friend Lisa was the other official Bond girl.)
8. One a DAR regional contest for a song I wrote when I was 9.
9. Lived on Guam for two years.
10. Attended Dunoon Grammar School in Dunoon, Scotland for three months at age 13.

Author: Catherine Schaff-Stump

Catherine Schaff-Stump writes fiction for children and young adults. Her most recent book, The Vessel of Ra, is the first book in the Klaereon Scroll series. She is currently working on its sequel, as well as penning the middle grade adventures of Abigail Rath, monster hunter.

One thought on “Yet Another Hello 2011 Post!”

  1. Number 6. is why you are and always will be a Cool Person.

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