&#@& Amazon #&^(!!!

I just can’t get away from this today. It’s like touching a sore tooth. You know you shouldn’t touch the damned tooth, so you avoid it, and there you are again, touching the damned tooth.

So, I’m going to take a deep breath, and be okay with owning my disappointment and anger and triggeriness.

And thanks to all of you who have understood and offered support.

And apparently I’m going to be a little angry and bitter, but that’s okay too. My journal, my free speech.

An example of how the story is hitting the national news. There are several other places on the Internet essentially repeating the same story. Note that Amazon supported a similar book in 2002. Free speechers, no need to debate. Amazon’s got your back.

Even though they didn’t have mine. My very rational letter was pulled down from the web site. Although I understand that the decision of removal might have belonged to Phillip Greaves, paragon of free speech. (ETA: Livia Llewellyn let me know my letter is back up under Kim’s review, although many of Greaves’ response posts in that thread have been removed by Amazon about an hour ago. I will make updates to this post as things continue (or not) to mutate.)

The book is as of this entry approaching number 5000 in the Kindle store, making our pedophile guide writer a serious amount of cash. (ETA: Jim Hines tells me this is about $20. Thanks, Jim. That at least makes me feel better.) Good for you, Mr. Greaves! I’m sure my brother will buy a copy and see if there are new tricks he can learn. My dad’s dead, so there’s a copy you won’t be selling. Looks like you don’t need his revenue though. Not that peds are the only ones buying. Thank you also, gawkers, for supporting this effort. Maybe you can set up a foundation for misunderstood molesters or something with the proceeds.

And thank you, Amazon, for getting this guy’s back. I’m thinking you were in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t position as far as the general public was concerned. What a PR nightmare for you! I’m sure the money you make, however little, will balm the wound a bit.

I also understand intellectually why you did this. Emotional!Catherine, however, is making the decision to transfer all her business elsewhere. Oh look, I’m back now, after sending you the email about canceling my account. Hey, none of my books are making you any kind of this percentage. Enjoy. No one said you had to censor the guy. We were advocating that you don’t have to distribute the guy. Nicely done, on behalf of all of pedophilia victims everywhere.

I can’t sum up my feelings about this any better than goodconceited does. Because you know, he’s angry enough for me too. I was trying to convince you all that I could be rational and normal about this, I don’t know, to give us victims some sort of credibility. But for you all, it’s just another issue to toss around in a dispassionate kind of way. And the pedophile gets all the news of the day. Wonderful. Nice. Feeling really good about that.

After I get over my anger and pain, I’m probably going to do something constructive with this. Not that whatever we do will get half the attention or sell half the books that the pedophile book will. Because you know, we live in a society that will defend the rights of a pedophile to sell a how-to book on Amazon, but won’t do the work necessary to keep kids like the child I was safe.

Unless of course, Mr. Greaves, you aren’t a pedophile, but only write guides for them. That makes you a different kind of reprehensible, but I don’t want to slander you.


Author: Catherine Schaff-Stump

Catherine Schaff-Stump writes fiction for children and young adults. Her most recent book, The Vessel of Ra, is the first book in the Klaereon Scroll series. She is currently working on its sequel, as well as penning the middle grade adventures of Abigail Rath, monster hunter.

2 thoughts on “&#@& Amazon #&^(!!!”

  1. What

    Misunderstood? Uh, no, I think I understand quite well, thank you. I’m sorry, Amazon, when a part of the description includes statement of “possibly reducing (criminal/jail) sentences”, then, yeah, this is a book on how to break the law, not how to stay on the right side of the law. That makes it (potentially) an accessory to a crime. This is not protected speech. Your only refuge now is “literary/artistic contribution” and, uh, I doubt you can make the case.

  2. Not that whatever we do will get half the attention or sell half the books that the pedophile book will. Because you know, we live in a society that will defend the rights of a pedophile to sell a how-to book on Amazon, but won’t do the work necessary to keep kids like the child I was safe.

    This. What. The. Hell?!


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