There should be pictures here, but it was a long day at work yesterday. So close your eyes and imagine…two large cardboard boxes from UPS. Using a box cutter to open them…Look, the box is filled to the rim with copies of Hulk Hercules: Professional Wrestler! And so is the other box.
Mmmm, fresh book smell. Look, Bastet is rubbing her cheeks on the boxes, claiming them as her own. Well, I guess I know who gets to keep those books now.
Some really good news about Hulk Hercules. The book has been picked up for distribution by Follett Library Resources, Inc. and Book Wholesalers, Inc., Those are the two biggest library wholesalers in the country. Not too shabby.
If you want your kid to read Hulk Hercules, and you don’t want to buy it, ask your school librarian or public librarian to order a copy. Maybe two. They’re small.
Now, here’s another part of writing I haven’t experienced. What do I do with these wonderful books?
I’m not clueless entirely. I have to send out some thank you gifts to the wonderful folks who have helped me out, who have let me interview them, or have made plastic coins for me. Yeah, there’s some gifting to do. And I know there are some interested other parties.
I want to keep some in reserve for the book readings and signings I’ll do this year. That still leaves me with a few books.
I figure I can do some good by sending some out to librarians and reviewers. I need to educate myself about places that review middle grade books and reach those audiences. Any ideas you have are appreciated.
I figure I’ll contact local schools as well.
One thing I’m very wary about is coming across as “that guy.” (which I think is copyrighted by Jim Hines). I don’t want to sound schmoozy, like I’m trying to get *my* book in your library. I truly want to share this book with kids because I think they’ll have fun with it. And I want to spread the love of wrestling. You betcha.
So, please, offer up your suggestions. Teach me about promotion, but help me to keep from sounding, I dunno, slimy.
Or send me a publicist. If you include a self-addressed envelop, I promise to return them.