
Just in case you’re reading this site through one of its RSS feeds, this post is to let you know the site has been upgraded to the latest/greatest version of WordPress. If you’re reading the site through the site itself; you probably guessed that when you noticed the new theme on the site. Besides the new theme, all the big changes are on the backend of the site which will affect Cath more than anyone but it’s all shiney goodness for her!

Site Problems

There appears to be related to the plugin we’ve been using to display books and whatnot down the side of the site. That problem caused the site to not display at all. We are currently investigating the problem but for now have disabled the plugin.

Sorry about that. 🙁
Mark, Site Admin

Site Upgraded

This site has been upgraded to the current version of WordPress. Additionally, the plugins used on this site have also been updated to their current versions. If you encounter any problems with this site, please let me know.
– Site Admin

The Last Outtake

Dutifully begun. 🙂 Tonight’s question seems to be scroll, scroll, who’s got the scroll. And the answer is…wait and see.
