October is tomorrow. For the spookiest of months, I’ve taken some new author pics that fit the mood and the horror novella. I’m still plugging away on Abby Rath Versus Mad Science. I’ve been getting ready for the Paradise Icon writing workshop. And there was a pretty lengthy cold, and a bit of excitement with my mother-in-law (Good news! She’s still with us, but there was a roller coaster week in there.) In short, life can sometimes interfere with the best plans writers have.
So…the reading at M&M was a success. It turned out I was their first reading EVAIR, and I really appreciated the opportunity to be so. We had a good time at the North Liberty Author Fair too, seeing some friends.
October is a busy month here, with a lot of travel and events. We’ll write as much as we can. But next weekend is Icon 43 in Cedar Rapids. And there are a lot of events:
Oct 4: Signing at Cedar Rapids Barnes and Noble at 6:30-8
Oct 5: Paradise Icon Author Critiques
Oct 6: Author Meet and Greet at 10-12
Oct 6: Abandoned Places Reading at 7-8
Oct 6: Paradise Icon Reading at 8-9
If you’re attending Icon, maybe we’ll see you there.
From October 17-21, I’ll be in Vancouver attending the Surrey International Writer’s Conference. It’ll be a great weekend of writing instruction, and a chance to pitch a bit. I’ve never been to Vancouver, so I’m looking forward to it.
As an added bonus, although it has nothing to do with writing, Bryon will have his Halloween extravaganza at the end of the month, so I will share some pics of that. Keep writing, my friends, and so will I.