Unreliable Posts through 2-23-18

It’s been a while. I’ve been writing a book.

Here are yer podcast updates for a couple of months.

Author Spotlight: Damien Angelica Walters

To MFA or Not to MFA

Flash Fiction Online with Anna Yeatts

Things to Come

Nerd Fitness 101 with Ransom Noble

Author Spotlight: Caroline Stevermer

Who Said It?

Game Spotlight: Rosemary Claire Smith

Reading Challenge Results

Author Spotlight: Molly Tanzer

Riverdale and Sabrina

February 2018 Update

Hello everyone. I haven’t updated the blog since December, and I will now make an attempt to send you an update of what’s going on every month in my writerverse. Another way to get this information, albeit in slicker, glossier form, is to sign up for my newsletter, which I also hope to get to you every month. You can do this on the front page of my website. Just scroll down a little.

Unreliable Narrator slinks will also continue to be posted on the website.


First, I want to say that The Vessel of Ra is now available at local bookshops and Barnes and Noble. Ask for it by name. I’ll be working on getting around to some shops as soon as I can. I’m booked up through April right now, but we’re working on appearances. We’re also in the Baker and Taylor catalogue, so we can get the book into schools and libraries (and school libraries.)


So, where the hell have you been, you might ask. You might remember in December I suggested the best way for me to move forward was to write another book, so I have diligently been finishing The Pawn of Isis, which is with beta readers right now. I wanted to take a moment to say yes, I did that. I’m working on finishing Abigail Rath Versus Mad Science now, which is about half way through its first draft. I can say writing is progressing well, and I’ve gotten in the habit of laying down words every day.


I would like to mention I have a story appearing in the Abandoned Places Anthology coming out March 8th from Shohola Press. You can see details about that on the front page of the website. My entry there is “Mark Twain’s Daughter” which was originally published in Cucurbital 3. Big doings about that. Appearances and stuff. Read on.


This month, I’m going to be reading at my college, Kirkwood, with two other science fiction and fantasy authors, Dennis Green and Jed Quinn. If you’re local, you can come and hear us in Cedar Rapids on the main campus in Ballantyne auditorium, from 11:15-12:10. The reading is free and open to the public, and all of us will have books available for purchase after the event. I’ll be reading from The Vessel of Ra.

In March, I’m heading for California. I will be with the Shohola Press crew at Fogcon in Walnut Creek. Several of us will be reading Saturday March 10th from 8-9:15 pm. You do need to be part of the con to attend. There are also plans to do a reading at a local bookstore. I’ll throw those details down here as soon as I get them, but it’s going to be Monday, March 12th at Book Passage in San Francisco at 6 pm. On this trip I’ll be bringing along some Vessel of Ra swag. Hope to see you there.


So, that’s where we are. Next month I’ll chat a little about the trip, and where we’re at with Abigail Rath.