Besides Disneyland, the other significant trip of the summer for me was the Writing Excuses Cruise 2017. I want to say right away how very good and inspirational this trip was. With the exception of my wonderful husband, this trip had every other aspect of a trip I could want. Writing workshop? Yes. Writing time? Yes. Great advice customized to where I am currently in my career? Absolutely. Fantastic sight seeing in wonderful cities? Oh yeah. Neat people to meet? Yup. And costuming? Yes, even costuming. All of this was wrapped up in the bow of my college investing in me for professional development. Honestly, I was on a karmic plain.
If you want to hear what I thought, why, Chris Cornell and I break it down for you in a podcast at Unreliable Narrators.
I will be posting some beautiful photo galleries of the four cities we visited here as soon as I can.
If you have the opportunity to do this, you should. It’s inspiring, the instructors were approachable, and you will learn a lot. And it’s on a ship. More conferences should be on ships.