I’m beginning to remember why I stopped writing so much last year. Work is a monolith I almost can’t climb over. It is true that we are a very popular course of study. The person that’s busiest, hands down, is my assistant, but I’m up there. Couple this increased work load with the fact that I take an hour for lunch in the middle of the day, during which I walk, and add on my writing hour every day but Thursday, and you will see that time is precious.
So, here I am writing in the evening. I think that what I need to do is cut back on my expectation of journaling every day, and shooting for 3 times a week. That seems reasonable. However, important lesson–don’t forget that you have to write to support EVERYTHING, and journaling without writing is cool, but not why we’re out here.
I wanted to mention the new project. I have figured out the names for the books, and I have begun The Pawn of Isis, which is a stand alone book from The Vessel of Ra, but is also a sequel. The conceit is that it is written by Carlo Borgia as a record of the events that happen at the book so the next generation of children know their family, and warns them of danger to come. Sounds cool to me. Right now, everything is rough, so we will see if I can deliver on the potential of the beast.
I don’t want to tell you about the Oni Press idea yet. It’s a fun, fun idea, and I’m excited about it, but I want to spring it whole upon the world. Like Athena or something. And, as soon as I have an acceptable draft of Pawn for the Paradise Icon gang, I’m all over the comics idea.
Bryon, the spousal unit, asked me if I’ve ever thought of working on something at the same time as something else, and the answer is yes. I may yet return to Troll Boys in Decorah, discarding large chunks of that story before. But only when I’ve written myself into a corner, and I need something to stew.
And that’s what I’m doing to stay out of trouble. You?
Doing something online containing ” ISIS ” does not seem to be a thing to do with the intent of staying out of trouble.
At least if you hard drive crashes, you can ask NSA for a copy 😉