I think I should be able to get back to posting here more often. The time of being pretty much tied to my adult life seems to have stopped, somewhat abruptly.
Just to put an end to some melodrama, none of the digestive tests showed any kind of hernia. So, I will continue taking about 3 different kinds of meds to manage my reflux. This does seem to be working. I am also getting the CPAP figured out to optimality. No operations, and hopefully, less med in my future.
I think it’s safe to say that the Florida job search is now over, and I do not have a Florida job. I went pretty far in one search, but on Friday, those of us who were interviewed were going to be busted down to 2 candidates who would be interviewed by the college pres. Since I didn’t get a call today, I’m certain I’m not one, because the interviews are on Wednesday. That’s okay. As cool as it would have been, there would have been a lot of headaches and deprivation in moving down there as well. We’ll see what the fates put out for us next year, but this year, I’ll get back to focusing on my writing and my current job.
Kirkwood decided also not to replace my dean, which was another job I was going to apply for. There’s been a re-organization and a new boss, so no need for that to take up my time.
After all that, then, I have run very hard to stay in the same place. 🙂 I can concentrate again on getting my novel in its best shape for those agents that want pages.
So. Back to being the mild mannered comfortable shoe at work for another year, at least. It was nice to be the red pumps someone wanted to buy while it lasted. And back to writing, laboring in obscurity. Man. I wants me some immediate gratification. How come that never happens?