Draft 3 is done. As part of draft three, however, I threw out the final quarter of the novel. I still have a complete novel, but the last fourth is really a first draft.
Right now, I’m engaged in what I’m calling draft 3.1, revising the new ending to send it out to my critique friends. I’ve already been getting feedback on the first 3/4 which is very helpful.
Of course, as usual, the best laid plans of writers are often waylaid. In my case by 120 extra students, and 15 teacher interviews. I will try to get as much done as I can by the conference, but realistically can I get it done? That’s the question.
Today I purchased my new CPAP. I’ll be sure to write a review. Why? Because I found that I didn’t know much about them before all this, and that information might be helpful to someone else out there who is underoxygenated. Yup. I love making up words.