Happy 2015

For want of a more original title, I guess.

The official analysis from the sleep lab is this: I quit breathing 10 times an hour. Let’s put that in perspective. Someone with serious apnea quits breathing 120 or so times an hour. So I have a tiny, cute little apnea, for which I will be getting a tiny, cute little CPAP, which looks like a cross between packing pillows and an oxygen mask. I should be shelling out the big bucks for that in the next couple of weeks. Nope, I don’t know how much yet. It’s not a Muppet nose. Even though it’s small, I feel like they’re shoving a gale force up my nose! In the end they had to get me a smaller insert. My tiny nose!


So, I lost about 7 pounds entire last year. I was lower at one point, but I finished at 206, more or less. I’m trying out Weight Watchers new personal coach feature this year, and trying to eat smaller meals more often. And muchos plant matter. I would really like to have y cruise pictures look different this year than the last time, even if I am not a svelte goddess on the cruise.


The book is about 3/4 done now. Part of it is out to readers, and they are getting back to me pretty quickly. Awfully nice of them. I have this month to get things well in hand. Wish me luck. Work is very worky, and I fear I will spend next weekend prepping to teach.


When next I write, I want to go over my year in writing and my writing plans for this coming year. Stay tuned.

Author: Catherine Schaff-Stump

Catherine Schaff-Stump writes fiction for children and young adults. Her most recent book, The Vessel of Ra, is the first book in the Klaereon Scroll series. She is currently working on its sequel, as well as penning the middle grade adventures of Abigail Rath, monster hunter.

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