For want of a more original title, I guess.
The official analysis from the sleep lab is this: I quit breathing 10 times an hour. Let’s put that in perspective. Someone with serious apnea quits breathing 120 or so times an hour. So I have a tiny, cute little apnea, for which I will be getting a tiny, cute little CPAP, which looks like a cross between packing pillows and an oxygen mask. I should be shelling out the big bucks for that in the next couple of weeks. Nope, I don’t know how much yet. It’s not a Muppet nose. Even though it’s small, I feel like they’re shoving a gale force up my nose! In the end they had to get me a smaller insert. My tiny nose!
So, I lost about 7 pounds entire last year. I was lower at one point, but I finished at 206, more or less. I’m trying out Weight Watchers new personal coach feature this year, and trying to eat smaller meals more often. And muchos plant matter. I would really like to have y cruise pictures look different this year than the last time, even if I am not a svelte goddess on the cruise.
The book is about 3/4 done now. Part of it is out to readers, and they are getting back to me pretty quickly. Awfully nice of them. I have this month to get things well in hand. Wish me luck. Work is very worky, and I fear I will spend next weekend prepping to teach.
When next I write, I want to go over my year in writing and my writing plans for this coming year. Stay tuned.