The Other Kind of Crazy

First of all, before I wax poetic, it’s Paradise Icon weekend, and Icon weekend. Starting tomorrow night, I’ll be engaged in a lot of the activities that the average SF/F writer might be engaged in. There will be a book signing from 6:30-8 at our local Barnes and Noble. I’ll be wrangling 9 other writers on Friday for a workshop, and Saturday we’ll have guest lectures by Jim Hines, Elizabeth Bear, and Scott Lynch. There will also be a Paradise Icon reading and an author meet and greet. In short, it should be a terrific weekend of author fun. Look forward to it.

And now, psychobabble under a cut for those of you who do not care. Please, really, this is not even interesting. It’s just me sifting through some thoughts and feelings for myself.

Continue reading “The Other Kind of Crazy”


Well. The teacher life is just eating me up right now. I thought that things would get less hectic when I gave up the personnel management piece of my work, but instead, I have filled it with other things.

So…notable. My old laptop of six years died. I replaced it in the matter of a day, and the new one is working just as well. I’ve put a tangerine shell and an orange keypad cover on it, but otherwise it is remarkably the same. I lost about a day and a half of writing time updating the software.

I am among the athletically injured. Foot pain took me to the doctor, and because I have not been stretching, I have redeveloped my old friend plantar fasciiitis. No problemo. I switched to the exercise bike. Except I managed to destroy my right oblique muscles trying to climb around the cat in my plantar fasciitis brace on the couch. So now, I’m sort of taking today off, and seeing which one hurts less tomorrow. Hey, everything is better than yesterday, when I had major muscle conspiracy!

I will attempt to make a report on weight next week. The bottom line is that I’m still spinning around the same pound. That said, I might be going down a little. My new high isn’t as high as my old high. More to come.

Gotta, gotta, gotta check some papers. So, see you laters.

Viable Paradise XIII: Five Years Later

For those of you not aware, this is Viable Paradise week. The 18th class of Viable Paradise is on Martha’s Vineyard RIGHT NOW, joining our alumni. I can only hope that their experiences is as good as ours was.

It occurred to me that it might be good for people to see how graduates of the workshop fare. Heck, I’m curious. And I’m an academic, so I do things like this. Plus, I am in the lucky position to have kept in touch with my VP classmates for the most part. And it’s our 5th anniversary, so that’s a nice year number.

I sent out a call for some updates. Where are you now? I asked. How’s the writing going? How’s life going? How did you feel after VP?

And I received a lot of responses. I think I’m on tap to receive just a few more, because even though I’m posting this today, right now, the official deadline is today, so I could get some more by tonight.

Without further adieu, then, here are responses I’ve received. I’ve listed the names just in case you’re looking for anyone in particular, and I’ll update if/when I get more. This is a LONG document, so after the names, I’m cutting. Goooooo Fightin’ Thirteen! And happy anniversary to the rest of our fellow workshoppers as well.

They’re Here!

Bo Balder
Steve Buchheit
Chris Cornell
Sean Craven
Marion Engelke
Chia Evers
Robyn Hamilton
Kat Hankinson
L.K. Herndon
Matt Hughes
E.F. Kelly
Leah Miller
Darice Moore
Lisa Nohealani Morton
Julia Rios
Catherine Schaff-Stump
Ferrett Steinmetz
Miranda Suri

Stay Tuned

Brent Bowen
George Galuschak
Irina Ivanova
Drew Morby
Brandi Tarvin
Christian Walter

Continue reading “Viable Paradise XIII: Five Years Later”

Mountains of Green

Popping in for a brief announcement.

My story Mountains of Green will be appearing in The Mammoth Book of Dieselpunk which is schedule for publication in July of next year.

For those keeping score, this is my first pro sale. That is a happy thing for me.

So, posting less here and writing more does seem to have dividends of a sort.

At any rate, more as I have it available.


Meanwhile, I hope you all have a good weekend. I suspect mine will be spent checking papers since I have been in daydream land most of the day. 😛