Julia Dvorin, a fellow member of the Clockwork Lasercorn Team, has written me a very eloquent letter asking for help in a fund raiser for Hadley Rille Books. Please consider supporting their fundraising cause. Here’s Julia’s letter.
And please feel free to spread the word.
I’m writing to ask for your help. As you may remember, my publisher, Hadley Rille Books, is an independent small press that has done a terrific job over the last few years of publishing high-quality speculative fiction from diverse voices (like mine!). For the last 9 years, it has been run as mostly a heroic labor of love by its founder, Eric Reynolds, and a few volunteers—but now Hadley Rille is in one of those growth stages where it needs significant additional funding in order to get to the next level and get more books in front of more readers. A few other authors and I have jumped in to assist Eric in putting together an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to help raise money so that Hadley Rille can publish and promote more great speculative fiction books. So I’m reaching out to people like you who I think might be interested in helping a spunky, high-quality, independent small press like Hadley Rille stay in business…and hopefully someday soon publish more of my books! 😉
How can you help? Well, if you already believe the continued existence of independent small press publishing is important*, or simply enjoy quality speculative fiction that prioritizes new voices from women and other historically marginalized points of view and want some cool prizes, feel free to click here to go straight to the Indiegogo campaign and make a contribution.
More importantly though, I really need some help in spreading the word about this funding campaign. This kind of fundraising is called “crowdfunding” because it takes a crowd to make it happen (as opposed to a couple of institutional or wealthy patron donors). When you tell your friends about this project, that doubles or triples the amount of people that we can reach, and if even just one or two additional people that you tell support the project, all together that becomes the crowd needed for funding this project. So please, please, help me reach out to all the other people out there that you know, and ask them if they might be willing to support this project too. You can talk to people—especially other readers—about Hadley Rille and the Indiegogo campaign. You can forward this email, or link to the Indiegogo campaign page on Facebook or Twitter. You can tell all your friends that work in PR about the little indie press that could (what, you don’t have friends that work in PR? Well, maybe your friends do…). The campaign runs through the end of July, so you have about six weeks to tell everyone about it and keep reminding them. Research shows that it often takes at least three or four times of telling someone about something before they take action on what you told them…so don’t give up!
Ok that’s it…thanks for listening, and thanks in advance for your help.
P.S. I’ll be sending out a few additional email updates as the Indiegogo project continues, so if you really aren’t interested in this project or in helping me out, and don’t want me to keep emailing you, please let me know and I will take your name off my email list. I do not in any way mean to offend or annoy. 🙂
P.S.S. The full link to the Indiegogo page, in case you want to cut and paste and share it with others, is this: http://igg.me/at/supportHRB/x/7768005
*Why is small press important? We believe independent small presses provide a vital “middle way” between the faceless corporate machine of the big publishing houses and the gutsy if lonely jack-of-all-trades DIY attitude of self-publishing. We like to think that small press publishing is the way publishing really should be: collaborative with and respectful of authors, and focused on the goal of sharing quality stories in attractive packages that delight a diverse audience. If you agree, please help support us!