And here’s the latest update.
Beginning Wii Weight: 223.8 (My heaviest ever)
Wii Weight on 6-3-14: 204.1 (a gain of .8)
Total: 19.7 pounds LOST
Weight Watchers on Initial Weigh In: 224
Weight Watchers on 6-3-14: 205.8 (A loss of 1.2.)
Total: 18.2 pounds
Weight Watchers has me close to my all time low of 205.4. I am 1.9 from my all time Wii low of 202.2. About a week ago, I was the hoover vacuum of food at Wiscon, so to get most of that 3 pound gain off in a week I feel is good.
Firm Summer Goal: To be under 200 by the time I go back to school. Given the time I plan to spend working out and watching my eating this summer, and that I have two months, I will do this thing. I’ve been hovering in the lower 200’s for long enough.
Last week: Con crud slowed me up, but obviously not too much. I am ready to get back to exercising.
Impediment: Iowa is full of small bugs that I seem to be allergic to, as are many Iowans. This means I’ll be inside for a lot of exercise. Sigh.
Well, back to it. Health, I am in you!