And…here we are again, with a surprisingly peaceful start to the summer semester. Honestly, I’ve been stood up 3 times today, and I don’t mind. 🙂 I thought I should get caught up here a bit while I had a chance. So, let’s do a few posts.
Writing: I’m working hard, still, on getting the stupid out of my novella. And by the stupid I mean two things: all those silly typos that I always make and some logic flaws. Two readers have been instrumental in helping me find them, and I’m sure I’ll still find some more when I comb through the darned thing ONE MORE TIME. The logic flaws? Well, the internal logic of the story isMike Underwood and will be writing the lioness share of my novel over the course of my vacation. I will be a writing machine! And upstairs and outside, people will be working on my house. Yay? But I want that first draft to be done by Detcon. I would like to have something to talk to agents and editors about.
Health: Man, running last night was easy. I was stunned. I mean, it is only orienteering on the Wii, so it’s not like I’m training for a 5K, but I feel so much better. At this point, still needing to lose 51-53 pounds, depending on the day, you may not notice when you see me at cons, but the quality of my life is much, much better, even at this level of things.
Paradise Icon: Almost got the planning for this in hand. I’m waiting for a flier, and then the usual promo will go up.
So, Wiscon. This weekend. Next post=Wiscon pre-game.
Yaaaaay for feeling better! I hope WisCon is a blast!