That’s the last rewrite of Alpha. Bryon, my faithful husband and reader, will take a last look at it to make sure I have no continuity glitches, or stupidity, and I myself will comb through the Word version one more time tomorrow for proofreading and the same thing.
That means we did, lessee….five rewrites and one proof through.
So, that puts something new on the market. Abigail Rath Versus Blood-Sucking Fiends still has a little bit of circulating to do, as does O-Taga-San, and Alpha will be three things running around on submission.
What’s Catherine’s next goal? I’m glad you asked! It’s to have the first draft of A Lasting Storm completed by the end of January. I really want to have this book circulating in the second half of 2014.
Sounds like a good way to wind up the year. 🙂