The nature of existence is chaos.
We had a sudden wind flareup from a brief violent summer storm that took out a tree last night. The good news? No house damage, no living being damage, no car damage, no garage damage for ourselves or our neighbors. The bad news? We have a medium sized tree that we have to have taken away by the tree fairies, who usually look like overall clad men with a chipper. That is currently in the process of being set up.
And curses! Foiled again! I continue to try to save money for our roofing project, and things like tires and apple trees and storms keep happening. I’ve pretty much decided home equity loan’s gotta happen. We have so many things that we need to fix, but the most urgent?
1. Leaky roof from seams of house that split due to additions (around 6K estimate with possible underneath damage that could raise the price. Let’s try 10K)
2. Dining Room Ceiling. Dry wall is beginning to crack. Spackle is peeling off. (no idea. I’m gonna say 3K).
3. Upstairs Bathroom. Waiting forever, deciding to wait no more. I’m guessing 7K, as we must hang dry wall, and replace toilet and tub.
So, soon, after double checking these estimates, I will try to procure a home equity loan of about $25-$30K. Hurrah. After we get that paid off, we’ll move on to the other tasks and see how much we get done before we move.
I don’t know yet what this does to my projected trip to Vegas in January, but I’ll try to have that puzzled out too.
Meanwhile, this weekend, look for me in the yard doing work, checking papers, or doing household errands and clerical stuff. I’m not even going to pretend about the writing this weekend. It looks grim. Well, sometimes you have enough life, and sometimes you have more than enough life.
I hope you all have great weekends.