You all remember that we had our first Paradise Icon last year, right? Well, a lot of the success of that event is owed to the fine folks down in San Antonio who put on Paradise Lost, which was the first of the continuing ed opportunities for Viable Paradise and Taos Toolbox alums.
Paradise Lost this year features Mary Robinette Kowal, Lynn Thomas, and Stina Leicht as the lecturers, and it is a great opportunity to meet and critique with fellow writers. It combines the best of the writing retreat, the writing workshop, and a pro opportunity in a 3-day weekend, all for the low price of $299.99.
If that’s not enough to get you interested, let me share some more exciting news. Jay Lake is coming this year. Originally, Jay had anticipated that he would be undergoing chemo, but unexpected twists in his cancer journey now allow for him to be there, so you would be getting his sage wisdom as well.
Sean Kelley, the man who runs the workshop, tells me there’s room for five more writers. So, if you’re a writer who has a story all ready to go, and you can get yourself set up to go by February 25th, this might be the jump start you’re looking for. The hotel room rates are down this page, and you can see what a rocking town San Antonio is here.
Think about it. This year is a very rare opportunity. Four pro writers. Thirteen neo-pros. You should go.