Why I’m Nominating Jim Hines for the Fan Writer Hugo (and why you should too)

Of course, there are up to five nominations for fan writer, and I will highlight a couple of the other blogs that I want to put forward, but I really want to spotlight Jim for a moment.

If you’ve been following Writer Tamago for any length of time, you know that I’ve read all Jim’s books. I’ve been a fan of both of his series, albeit they are very different. He’s brilliant when he’s funny; he’s poignant when he’s serious. He’s a very good writer. I’m really enjoying watching his career take off, and watching him get the attention he deserves.

And I really enjoyed having him out to Icon where he was a fun guest.

All that said, I don’t want to talk about Jim’s fiction today. I want you to pay attention to his other writing–mainly his blog, but some of the other work he’s done in fandom as well.

I want you to go over there and look around. Jim’s non-fiction has feet firmly in both worlds of humor and sincerity, sometimes masterfully tied together in the same articles. Let me give you some of my favorite links to get you started.

Jane C. Hines: Jim imagines what his life would be like if he were a female author instead of a male author.

Have Yourself a Slashy Little Christmas: Popularity-wise, most people prefer Baby Got Books, but I’ve always been more in favor of the classics myself.

Sexual Harrassment: Bystander Intervention: Because of Jim’s background as a rape counselor, he’s become a resource in the fan community for preventing harrassment. This post is pretty typical of his work in that area.

Not on his blog, but related is Jim’s very good article on Writing about Rape at Apex.

Of course, Jim also keeps his fingers on the pulse of publishing. He has run the first book Friday series, is very open about his life as a working writer, and deals with topical writing issues.

At Jim’s blog, there’s lots of great posts on a wide variety of social issues. There’s great discussion of the writing life. And there’s just some fun stuff.

Of course, if none of that can pull you in, you can always go for the lego porn.

I am only a burgeoning neo-pro author with a small website, but if you like what you see, help get the word out. Jim deserves some sort of recognition for his fine work.


Author: Catherine Schaff-Stump

Catherine Schaff-Stump writes fiction for children and young adults. Her most recent book, The Vessel of Ra, is the first book in the Klaereon Scroll series. She is currently working on its sequel, as well as penning the middle grade adventures of Abigail Rath, monster hunter.

4 thoughts on “Why I’m Nominating Jim Hines for the Fan Writer Hugo (and why you should too)”

  1. I second this choice! Jim Hines consistently writes wonderful essays and articulates things I’m thinking much better than I could myself.

  2. I will try to spread the word, yes. I don’t know if I can make it to WorldCon this year, alas, but I’ll be at WisCon! Will you be there again this year?

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