Earth 2 me, Cath Schaffer, has written an excellent article on how to hang out in the bar for authors.
Some of you might remember that last year I participated in the Clarion Write-a-thon. We did make a little money for the effort, and I would like to do so again. My Viable Paradise experience has taught me that time away to be a writer, away from the cares of every day life is IMPORTANT. I’d like to help give someone else that gift.
And, as it turns out, a friend of mine is, in fact, going to Clarion West this year. This gets a little more personal.
So. This year, once again, I will be participating in the Clarion Write-a-thon. Here’s my author page.
Just like last year, I want to urge you to participate if you’re a writer, and you’d be writing anyway. The dates are June 26-August 6, the same dates as the actual workshop. Also, it doesn’t matter who you donate to. Just help us raise some money!
My goal will be to continue pounding away on my 12 hours of writing a week as I continue to work toward my writing expertise hours. I’ve been thinking about how I could make this more interesting for those who contribute. Last year, Ferrett Steinmetz did a fantastic job with fund raising, and I think I will be taking a page out of his book . I need to generate lots of material for the Klarion books, so my plan will be to have a Klarion/Clarion blog (Isn’t that cute?).
If you donate a mere $10, you will be part of the Klarion/Clarion community that can see me produce initial drafts of novel bits from the Klarion series (with author notes sometimes). I will also be happy to critique (drawn at random) from 3 contributors who contribute $25 or more (most likely after the write-a-thon).
Remember, festivities will begin June 26th. Get your ticket now! Only $10 for the price of admission, or if you prefer to think of it that way, one really exclusive latte.
And…if anyone would be kind enough to spread the word, in case you can’t participate, but would like to get some donations vicariously, I’m happy to be linked to.