Just like a solar flare, my acid reflux occasionally tries to burn out my mid-section for no very good reason at all. My ph started going down since a fateful night at Fazioli’s two weeks ago until we reached this point. Tonight you could launch me at skyscrapers and I would burn holes in steel and metal. On occasions like this, I find the thing to do is have Bryon make me his signature oatmeal, and have the occasional cup of tapioca pudding. In a couple of days, it’ll blow over. Or I’ll be talking to my doctor.
Happy this isn’t the Vegas week. ‘Twould be sad to go to Vegas twice in one week and have to eat high roller oatmeal.
Oh, yeah. I’m going to Vegas twice in one week.
The first time, Bryon and I are going to have a little winter get away. He really needs it after all the stress with his dad (who at this moment is enjoying the radiation experience. No really. He likes getting zapped and going to lunch every day. A change of scene and scenery. This week, we’ll find out how he’s doing, so things can change.) Bryon and I will be seeing two Cirque du Soleil shows: Zoomanity and O. Then I’ll be back for three days, and off I go to Vegas to a writing workshop.
Also, right now, Catrina and I are making plans for our research trip to Finland and Norway. I’m getting close to the ticket buying stage. It really looks like she has some wonderful things to show me in Finland, and I am very excited about seeing Folk museums and fjords. But I’m not trying lutefisk for anyone. Let’s make that clear right now.
Additionally, the cons I plan to attend are on the appropriate Tamago page. I’m going to my first ever White Privilege conference, Demicon (where Sarah Prineas will be guesting this year!), Wiscon (the usual bonding trip with Lisa and Dan), CONvergence, North American Discworld, and AnimeIowa. I’ll link to Icon, as usual, once their site goes live for this year. This year is pretty sewn up, and with the family reunion, summer will go by in a blink.
What am I thinking about for 2012? First of all, it’s the summer of love our 25th wedding anniversary. Bryon and I will be visiting Disneyland Paris, perhaps other parts of Paris, London, and maybe Bath and Stonehenge. We’ll have to get some anniversary pictures taken as well.
Conventions: I always go to Wiscon, CONvergence, AnimeIowa, and Icon, so no doubt those. I’m thinking seriously about Worldcon 2012 in Chicago. There may well be TESOL, wherever that is next year. I’d like to have another small writing retreat with friends.
In 2013, I am toying with the idea of doing another workshop–like applying to Taos Toolbox, or maybe even Clarion. I dunno. These are germs of ideas. Whatever you can tell me about your experiences in these workshops would be great to hear about.
Well, acid bomb or not, I still need to get some writing time in tonight. I’ll sign off here.
I have a couple of VP Interviews out there which I will post as soon as they come home to roost. I also want to write a post about Stephen Krashen’s i+1 language learning theory and how it also applies to art.