I’d like to thank everyone for their congratulations about finishing. There’s a post in there somewhere about persistence, but there’s also a grammar retreat in two weeks, so today I’d better get crackin’ on my day job. What I’d really rather do is be at home proofing and finishing.
you might remember Jon Gibbs, the awesome writer whose book Fur-Face was reviewed here last month? You know, Jon?
whom you could now pick out of a line-up?
Jon does great work at his blog. He writes thought-provoking questions. Every Friday he does a little digest about the writing posts for the week that he thinks are exceptional. You should visit Jon’s blog.
Another reason you should visit Jon’s blog is that today Jon has interviewed me about Hulk Hercules. I appreciate it. I still think cavemen would win, but you can feel free to continue the discussion over there.
Grammar. Yeah. Grammar.