I’ve been thinking about the future.
Currently, I am receiving laudits from the college because of all the growth and new curriculum in the ELA program. They’ve let me have new and exciting software for the language lab. They’ve expanded our number of sections, and I’m hiring like mad. All is well in the ELA universe.
So well that my dean is going to ask for a couple of full time positions for the program next year, besides mine. There is no guarantee that the college would approve the positions, but if so, that would be great.
It would also be my chance to become a teacher again, rather than a teacher/administrator. Don’t get me wrong. I love my job, even though there are times when it is really difficult and overwhelming. I generally plow through, so it’s nothing I can’t handle.
The issue is the writing. I would have LOADS more time to write if I were a teacher, rather than a teacher/administrator. Scads more. Oodles. I would be a fool, as someone who wants to publish and write books, if I passed up that opportunity.
I’m not going anywhere this year. Nothing can change until May for sure, or when the board decides how we’re going to budget for next year. Really, though, it’s not a hard decision to make. It sort of makes itself.
It’s nice to think about the future. It never does anything but surprise you. I’m listening, powers that be. Send me your cues.