Old Nick and the Work Study Student

Nick found the right door. He knocked. The door was opened by a boy, not a woman. Nick smiled toothily. He extended a hand to the boy. “Stan,” he said. The boy was one of his, although the woman he was looking for didn’t know it. It was important that the people at Luther didn’t know it either. They might unjustly try to convert the boy. So much for freedom of religion in the new world.

“Mr. Scratch,” said Stan. He clamped Nick’s hand with a hearty sideways handshake. “We salute you, our half-inflated dark lord.”?

“I appreciate the film reference. We get so few.” Nick glanced at the office door. “Is Dr. Quartz here?”

“She has an 8 o’clock.”

“You’re working for her now?” said Nick.

“God bless financial aid. Oops.”

Nick winced and shook his head. “Watch your language, young man.”


“So,” said Nick, “has she done anything peculiar? Noticed anything? Talked to anyone?”

“Not yet. I’ll keep my eyes open. Are you looking for anything in particular?”

“Yup. Messages from the Invisible Court. Visiting troll garrisons. Any unusual elven behavior.”

“Should I let her know you stopped by?”

“Absolutely. And tell her I’ll stop by again. Just mention my name. She’s clever enough to figure me out eventually.” He leaned in conspiratorially. “Although you probably shouldn’t let on you know anything about, you know, me.” He flipped out a business card.

Stan took it. “I don’t know anything.”

Nick wiggled his fingers in parting, and closed the door to Dr. Quartz’s office. As he walked away, Nick glanced at his watch. He probably had time today to go see trolls.


Word count meter. Remember, scenes, not words of part one.

12 / 55 words. 22% done!

Author: Catherine Schaff-Stump

Catherine Schaff-Stump writes fiction for children and young adults. Her most recent book, The Vessel of Ra, is the first book in the Klaereon Scroll series. She is currently working on its sequel, as well as penning the middle grade adventures of Abigail Rath, monster hunter.

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