Let’s do the announcements first!
Look! It’s the YA issue of Drops of Crimson! Unfortunately, given the life that I’ve been having lately, I haven’t had time to slip into the stories and go ah! yet. Here’s hoping things will simmer down soon.
Next! I’ll be at Convergence in Minneapolis this weekend. On Saturday at 3:30 pm in the Literary Lounge, there will be a patriotic flag waving reading Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading. I’ll be reading with Catherine Lundhoff, Lyda Morehouse, and Kathy Sullivan.
The spooky reading from The Winter the Troll Danced with Old Nickwon.
I’ll also spend some time standing in line to get Patrick Rothfuss’ autograph for Mark, and listening to various witty repartee on panels. Mostly, I’ll be hanging out with friends, and gofering for Bryon.
And now…foot update. Bryon didn’t get his stitches out, and he has to continue to wear his boot and carry his crutches. He does have smaller bandages now, and the addition of socks and a Dr. Scholl’s pad on his medical geta are proving to make him more comfortable. The doc even says he can give driving a try. So, we’ll see how he does at the convention. He thinks he’ll use his crutches when he enters crowds, because that will keep people away from his feet.
I have done really well on the writing front for the last few days, which is good, because after all the driving to various medical locations today, I got nothing for tonight.
Scene Count:
18 / 53 words. 34% done!
Excerpts? Okay. Here’s a nisse excerpt that I like.