Endowed Chair Recap

Dr. Squeaky managed to wing her way through two and a half hours of academic schmoozing about Hulk Hercules, although, quite frankly, my voice is fried now. Here’s a typical conversation.

Visitor: Tell me what you did for your project.
Dr. Squeaky: I was approached by Cats Curious Press to write a series of children’s books about mythological gods in modern times.
Visitor: (Begins to grin). That sounds like fun.
Dr. Squeaky: It was! The only parameters I was given was that it should be a middle grade/YA book, and the title had to be Hulk Hercules: Professional Wrestler.
Visitor: (Broad grin) That’s wonderful!
Dr. Squeaky: It was! I even went to Chicago to interview wrestlers.

It was fun. I talked about writing a MG fantasy in my cartoony voice, and it all worked. There’s some talk about a Kirkwood book signing, and lots of enthusiasm about getting the books for kids and grandkids. All in all, a very successful session. With rotating truffles. And citrusy shrimps.


While waiting for the gig, I completed around a page of Death by Drowning, which seems to be coming out like Athena, mostly fully formed from my head. Now, I’m spending the rest of my night coughing and relaxing, feeling good about the whole author thing.

See you tomorrow. I predict more pantomime teaching and a return to Decorah.


Author: Catherine Schaff-Stump

Catherine Schaff-Stump writes fiction for children and young adults. Her most recent book, The Vessel of Ra, is the first book in the Klaereon Scroll series. She is currently working on its sequel, as well as penning the middle grade adventures of Abigail Rath, monster hunter.

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