Already whacking parts of HH:PW. Last week we had a false start. This morning, in the car, we had a real start. Instead of working on the outline today, I wrote it down in an effort to capture the characterizations.
Several things about the characters life revealed them to me. I didn’t expect Tony and Bianca’s parents to be traveling academics–which explains why they’re staying with Nonna and Leo for this year, and gives them the opportunity to go further afield in the next book, if there is a next book.
At any rate, you should really be ready for this journal to get boring. All 3 of you who are reading. 🙂 Because ain’t nothing more exciting than watching a writer report their progress. Well, paint drying, you know. It’s exciting for the author, and I’m pretty sure it’s exciting for Sonya, yeah, but other than that, not so much.
No more exotic adventures in foreign countries for a while. Back in my real journal, I’m almost caught up to the current time in reporting my exploits. There will be more submitting…later.
I know you’re here for the Hercules. So, here’s the first of what I hope are many interesting Hercules trivia questions.
1. Why did Hercules have to perform 12 tasks instead of the 10 he was originally assigned?
And today’s Hercules words of wisdom: Iolaus bit back a scream that would have made him sound like a little girl. For Zeus’ sake! He was the nephew of Hercules!
(When you’re working with Hercules, you don’t want to scream like a little girl!)
Today’s Herc-o-meter!
2,480 / 75,000
(3.3%) |