…the world’s fastest ear infection, for which I am grateful. Put your trust in drugs! Now, if the semester would just end. I’m back to getting work done at home, because there is no time at school for such frivolousness. Instead, I have a constant cavalcade of students. Which isn’t normally bad, but does make it hard to do the administrative part of my job…
But you want pimperella! Here you go!
Jeaniene Frost–One Foot in the Grave released yesterday. Paranormal romance, normally not my thing, but you know, I’m buying the second one. It’s good, and (un)dead sexy.
Melissa Marr–Ink Exchange new YA near you, set in the world of Wicked Lovely, which is eerily haunting.
Tiffany Trent–Hallowmere NOT a book release, but the series is new to me, and I’m loving it! Right now I’m reading the first one, and it’s very well written. If you like Libba Bray, you’ll like this series, and if you like faeries, girls boarding schools, witches, or historical fantasy, give it a try. Trust me. Really.
Julie Rose–more writer and music interviewsLauren Dane and Heather Domin Thanks, Julie, for giving us a unique view into the creative process.
Um…so. The plan tonight is to go buy some books, and then to work on the Portus YA Reading Series Vetting group. (If time allows. The Man (TM) tells me he wants to buy a garden hose, and I want to go buy some books. But yeah. I’ll be doing a joint professorial/writerly thing tonight. Then, if there’s any time left, it’s back to Azazello’s Cream
Off to support my fellow faculty at this year’s Endowed Chairs soiree (can we have a soiree in the afternoon? I’m not sure we can…), and to be introduced as one of next year’s chairs.