Procrastination at Work

When you least need it, procrastination hits at work. But I am so tired, and in pain, so eh, what you gonna do?

While I was procrastinating, I reinstated some links on my links page so it’s mostly functional. I published an excerpt page from Substance of Shadows, the Esme’s Trial scene as it stands revised, and I added my bio page from the old site, now retitled “Your Host.”

I want to get a picture of myself on the front page and on the Your Host page yet.

Also, I want to make sure people can see the page links, so they know there’s somewhere else to go besides the blog.

Pages to do:

Wares: Stories I’m currently writing/peddling.
Excerpts: A few more excerpts to tantalize
Appearances: Riiiigggghhhtttt…but may need this in the future.

Mark, you can pretty much delete what I have at coffeebear now. I think I’ve salvaged everything I want from there.

For the rest of you: you can now reach me at

Update accordingly.


Mind Meld

Amanda Welkin and Sara Wolf are one…up through page 205.

And that’s all. On to chapter 8! Work and caucuses tomorrow, work Friday, so maybe more Friday night.

Guts on the down swing. Time to bind Stephan to the main villain. It’s that kind of mood.

Started making page for links to reduce amount of blank spaces on pages due to long side bar.


Night of Revision

I’m catching up here at Writer Tamago, mostly with being alive. 🙂 Surgery will be either Wednesday or Friday next week, and frankly, the situation is escalating to the extent that I may have to claw the gall bladder out of my abdomen before then. (Don’t say euw. Say hrm. Consider the possibilities.)

Anyway, have I been doing anything writerly in the last two days? Yes. My friend Mark has helped me work on some of the bits and pieces of the site. If you click on the about page, you can actually see a picture of me, and it doesn’t look so rudimentary. One thing I wonder about is this: can I reduce the amount of just blank color after the descriptive paragraph? I’ll have to ask Mark.

Anything else? Our multimedia group for Wiscon has scheduled a time to chat.

Today is my last day away from my job at Kirkwood, gall bladder flaring notwithstanding (imagine a gall bladder, nostrils flared, hoofing the ground, and all you have to fight it with is a red sheet and a couple of Advil. Or not.).
As soon as I am done doing internet things, which is taking a while today, I will buckle down and write.

The plan today:

Combine Sara and Amanda into one entity
Proofread chapter 8.

Ambitious? Sure. Hot to do it while I’m feeling okay. Sure.

I’ll report back tomorrow or Friday accordingly. Take care, everyone.
