Only eleven more pages of Substance to revise, and it’s done. I’ll be looking for some more readers, and I’ll be reading through it as while. My hope is to send it off as soon I’ve doublechecked it, and I think that will likely be by next week before I head for Minneapolis (February 7). If you can contribute anything before then, please feel free! As always, I am grateful.
If you’d like to see it and contribute, but can’t make that deadline, I’m also grateful. Just contact me, and I’ll be talking to you.
Started my Endowed Chair application to get time to write Hulk Hercules. Gotta have that done and in by Monday, February 4th.
Wiscon reading group is talking swag. Jenn has come up with some great ideas!
Don’t forget, guys, sign up for readings is tomorrow. We all need to sign up. Mention that you’re part of Catherine’s Schaff-Stump’s group for reading.
We so need a cool name.
Back to watching Gordon Ramsay cajole kitchens into submission with much censored profanity.