
You wouldn’t know it from the amount that isn’t being written about here.

Until Mark and I get together and give this baybee an overhaul, which should happen before Christmas, especially more important as soon as I start shopping Substance of Shadows to agents, which will probably happen sooner than I know, most of what I’m up to is over at

Cath Schaff-Stump at livejournal

Eventually we will get that site to talk to this site.

Why the switch? I find that I can build a peer community at the lj site, and easily read agent, editor, and author logs. A site like this one exists to be read, but I want my site to help me network, and I want to know what’s going on in the writing life of others too. Vive la friend’s list!

At any rate, this is where you can now get the lowdown on what’s cooking, who’s got what, and what I’m doing. I’m making SERIOUS concerted effort to climb the mountain of publication, and I’m learning a lot as I research, write, and read.

SO, come over, friend me there.

Expect an overhaul of the site before Christmas.

Follow various links to other writing buddies.

And that’s all.
