Revision Time

Last night I finished putting in the vampire story for the anthology. Tonight will be tightening it up and cutting it down to anthology size. Most of the remaining work on this will be with editing, printing, etc. Our goal is to have some to sell at Wiscon.

Alas, for a little bit, my writing time must belong to Dr. Catherine, as she needs to get an article submission put together for second language writing journals. But then, I’ll be right back at it, slogging along on something creative.

A friend who is an artist and I have decided to go to Faerie Con in Philadelphia in October, and I’d like to have something ready for that with her powers of illustration, so I’ll slide that up in the cue, and alternate Empty Horizon with it until it’s done. Then it’s back to the business plan.

Hope you’re all doing well out there. Rest assured, I won’t bore you with snippets of Dr. Catherine’s research.


Thanks for the Upgrade

I’d like to thank Mark for the shining new upgrade!

Right now I’m on spring break, and I’m diligently finishing up some projects in my other going concern–sewing. However, my next writing project will be a story for Crystal’s anthology, of which I will post a snippet here. I am also tinkering with the idea of trying to send out a project to an interesting company that specializes in faerie things, but that idea is sort of brewing right now, so I’m not sure where it will go.

At any rate, welcome to March. I’ll be back shortly.


Just in case you’re reading this site through one of its RSS feeds, this post is to let you know the site has been upgraded to the latest/greatest version of WordPress. If you’re reading the site through the site itself; you probably guessed that when you noticed the new theme on the site. Besides the new theme, all the big changes are on the backend of the site which will affect Cath more than anyone but it’s all shiney goodness for her!

Empty Horizon 1 and 2 AND Anthology

Chapters 1 and 2 of The Empty Horizon are out there, being read, RIGHT NOW by my writing workshop friends. It’s probably at this point that I should interupt myself and work on the anthology.

I’m working on an anthology for a deserving friend who has cancer. I hope it will be full of good stories and art from my writing friends, and it will be available to you if you want it. More details to come.
