Researching Napoleon

Dr. Catherine has more or less put the semester to bed and made some steps in rebooting her next semester. I get a week of vacation, and yes, I needs write a little academically, but there will be time for some creative projects.

With that in mind, yesterday I purchased a book that overview Napoleonic France, and Napoleon’s attempt to return to power. Look forward to factoids.

Anyone got a good book on early 19th century Marseilles? The Catalan settlement there? Or spinning?

Business Plan

Oookay. So here I am in Japan waiting for my next interview at 5 pm. I’m stranded in the computer room because there really isn’t any time to go sight seeing in the amount of time I have between gigs.

So, I thought I would weigh in here. I’ve been floundering for a number of years about how to best present myself as a writer. My usual strategy has been to write something that I liked as well as I could, and then send it out. I am truly not as concerned about publishing as some, and I think that writing to publish only is not my bag.

I have had the good fortune, however, to stumble across a project that pleases me aesthetically as a writer and that I think is marketable. That would be Empty Horizon. So, suddenly, I think I have a business plan.

Here it is. I will first author Empty Horizon and then submit it everywhere. I think that it’s marketability is high. I still face the diffuculty of winning someone over with my writing, but that is not the double edged sword of trying to convince someone to warm to your style and subject matter.

If Empty Horizonproves successful, I will pitch a version of The Odyssey in which I employ the similar gimic of different POV. Finally, after this, if both of these books work out, I can pitch increasingly original stuff.

Of course, this assumes that someone eventually takes me on. If not, we’ll just be like so many people and have multiple novels circulating at the same time.

This might mean, if the first two books are successful, that I might consider making the Klarion books into period pieces, which might suit them better.

Anyway, this is currently the game plan. What do you think?